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Break Down

Wingsent Products

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$180.60 - $8,348.55
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$180.60 - $8,348.55


Safe Concrete Remover

  • Does not contain hydrochloric/muriatic acid
  • Contains corrosion inhibitors
  • Environmentally friendly ingredients
  • Highly dilutable
  • Paint and metal safe
  • High foam

Break Down is a safe, environmentally preferred, foaming cement remover for heavy build-ups. Its primary ingredient, Glycolic Acid, is derived from natural sources and is biodegradable. Break Down is designed to remove heavy built up, hardened cement from ready mix trucks, scaffolding, forms, tools and other areas where cement tends to accumulate and harden. It is often used as a foamed-on overnight soak, but can be used as a daily wash as well. It will not harm painted surfaces and is non-corrosive.


Dilute BREAK DOWN up to 1:5 for everyday use. Depending on the intended end use dilution rate, distributors will often make 6 drums from this super concentrate before sale to the end user. BREAK DOWN should be applied at the end of the day when the truck is idle and left overnight to thoroughly soften the build-up. Spray or foam this product on the areas where cement has hardened. Allow to remain on surfaces for a minimum of 60 minutes. Do not allow the area to dry. Keep area wet during the 60 minute period. If area starts to dry, reapply BREAK DOWN to area to keep it wet. After about 60 minutes the cement should start to soften. Allow this to sit overnight for removal the next morning. In the morning, apply another application of BREAK DOWN and keep this application wet for at least 30 minutes. The cement will turn to a sand filled mushy consistency and can be washed off using a garden hose with a spray nozzle installed or a high pressure washer. A high pressure washer is preferred.

Safety Data Sheet

Note: Product falls under Hazardous Material Category. Additional $35 UPS hazmat fee will apply. Truck shipments do not apply. This product is not offered in 1-gallon sizes; the image is for demonstration purposes only.

Extra Information

Wingsent Products
41.70 LBS